Our Purpose

We leverage the value of real-time data by collecting, streamlining, and sharing critical digital information across all digital services and IT systems. This visibility highlights our customers' potential challenges, enhances their efficiency and productivity, and improves the end-user experience.

About Us

Monsalta is a Danish privately-owned software and consulting firm with expertise in real-time insights that enable data-driven decisions, having more than 10 years in operations. We leverage our competencies and advanced performance analyses through OneView, a customized IT solution designed to extract valuable insights from data within the digital landscape of our customers.

We engage with customers to understand and address the challenges of their digital environment and develop measures for how best to surveil operational performance. Our approach involves collaborative consulting to ensure that OneView not only meets but exceeds expectations, providing tailored solutions that align seamlessly with organizational objectives.

At Monsalta, we recognize that the digital journey of every organization is unique, but that experiences can be shared with benefit. We place a major importance on building strong partnerships with our customers and securing ways in which relevant insights can be shared. Today, our solution has been adopted by large enterprises across both public and private sectors. Our collaborative approach allows us to deliver an innovative solution that drives meaningful outcomes, empowering our customers to optimize operations, enhance user experiences, and achieve sustainable growth in the digital age.

Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support you at every stage of your digital transformation. From initial consultations to ongoing support and optimization, we are committed to helping you leverage the power of data to unlock new opportunities and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

Our Commitment to you

Trusted and Long-Term Partnership

We aim to be more than just a software provider; we want to be your trusted collaborator. Conscientiously and openly, we strive to build relationships that are persistent and visionary.

Champions Within Our Business Area

Our passion drives us to excel in collecting and processing critical real-time data across complex IT landscapes. We ensure the insights and clarity our customers seek, and our experience demonstrates that we excel in creation more than others.

Effective Implementation

Time is crucial, and we understand the importance of efficiency. We deliver solutions that are quick to implement, ensuring minimal disruption and rapid realization of the benefits that our partnership brings.

Easy to Do Business With

We believe in simplicity and always strive to be accessible and easy to do business with. Clear communication, streamlined processes, transparent and regular reporting, along with a customer-centric approach, form the foundation of our customer engagement.

Climb Mountains with Us